Quantum Engineering

Quantum engineering exploits the features of quantum physics to generate technical solutions surpassing the capabilities of classical technologies. Quantum technology is transforming in particular the fields of communication, computation, and measurement technology. A quantum engineer will be trained to use the tools quantum physics, quantum optics, electrical and electronic engineering, systems engineering and computer science to design and control quantum systems.


PLEASE NOTE: The information you can find on this page is WORK IN PROGRESS!! Do not trust what you read there, when in doubt ask us or your master’s thesis supervisor directly. Often they will have a couple of courses in mind they will want you to take as preparation for your master’s thesis.


Difference between ‘Quantum Science’ and ‘Quantum Engineering’ specialisations

Our faculty offers a specialisation Quantum Science which aims to form quantum scientists (“imagining the device”) as well as a specialisation Quantum Engineering which is a more applied / engineering-type education (“building the device”). Note that for those who choose Quantum Science, there is an experimental and a theoretical course program available.

Recommended course of study

Here we provide a list of lectures that we offer for the specialization Quantum Engineering in the study years 2020-2022 and a suggestion on how to fill the associated elective modules. Mandatory modules are included so that 30±2.5 ECTS can be earned in each semester.

Additional lectures and topics will evolve over time depending on promising research directions, academic staff, and interest of the Master students. Please be aware that some specialized lectures may not be offered every year and plan ahead. Some lectures are offered in collaboration with the Institute of Mechatronics and the Institute of Electronics.

You might want to contact professors in experimental physics to discuss your plans and optimize the selection of courses for your research project.

Year 1: Study Phase

First and second semester/winter and summer

  • Compulsory module: Modern Physics (5 ECTS) – all physics master students
  • Elective module 5: Classical Engineering (10 ECTS) lectures in the Mechatronics or Electronics Master or Bachelor
    • VU Information- und Communication theory
      • VO Information Theory (VO2)
      • VO Digital Signal Processing (VO2)
    •  VU Electric Engineering:
      • VU Circuit Technology (VU2) HINT: Accompany the PR Circuit Technology (PR1) as an elective
      • VU Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (VU2)
  • Elective module 6: Quantum Physics (10 ECTS)
    • Quantum Theory 1 (VO2, PS1); HINT: Lecture and seminar held jointly with the Quantum Science specialisation
    • VU Special Topics in Quantum Science A: Milestones in Modern Quantum Research (VU3)
  • Elective module 7: Experimental methods in Quantum Engineering (10 ECTS)
    • PR Advanced Laboratory Class A: Experimental Physics (PR2)
    • VU Themes of Quantumscience A: Quantum Engineering (VU3)
  • Elective Specialization (15 ECTS) we recommend three of the following courses (VU3):
    • Special Laboratory Course A
    • Special Laboratory Course B: Optics
    • Electronics
    • Photonics
    • Particle Traps and Laser Cooling
    • Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy
    • Experimental Quantum Information
    • Theoretical Quantum Information
    • Methodology of Scientific Computing

Year 2: Research Phase

Third semester/winter

It is recommended to discuss possible thesis projects with potential advisors at the end of the summer semester. Potential thesis advisors are all research group leaders at the Institute for Experimental Physics see the webpage for further information and contact details: https://www.uibk.ac.at/exphys/

  • Compulsory module: VU Critical Research Analysis (5 ECTS)
    Specialized course preparing for master thesis research work. Ideally chose from recommendation(s) by your thesis advisor.
  • Compulsory module: SE Research Seminar (5 ECTS)
    In a research group seminar (ideally hosted by your supervisor), recent methods and results from the research groups are presented and discussed. Please chose one from the list:

  • Compulsory module: PJ Research Study (12.5 ECTS)
    This is the preparatory phase for your master thesis in consultation with your thesis supervisor.
  • Elective module: Specialization A, Specialization B, Theoretical Specialization, Interdisciplinary Skills  (5 ECTS)
    See first semester for a list of recommended courses offered.

Fourth semester/summer

This last term is fully reserved for your master thesis work and defense. We also recommend to again participate in the research seminar of your group, but this is considered part of your thesis work and will not be credited with extra ECTS.

  • Master thesis (30 ECTS)
  • Defence of the master’s thesis (2.5 ECTS)