WHAT: This website provides an overview of the institutes and working groups and the thesis topics they offer. In the first and second week of lectures in January, information events will be held in cooperation with the Physics research focus regarding the Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis topics.
WHEN: The (rough) division by institute will be as follows:
- Theoretical Physics: 08.01.2024 from 14:15 to approx. 16:45
- Astrophysics and particle physics: 10.01.2024 from 15:00 to 17:15
- Ion physics and applied physics: 10.01.2024 from 17:30 to approx. 19:30
- Experimental physics: 17.01.2024 from 15:00 to approx. 17:30
WHERE: HS A, Victor Franz Hess Haus, Campus Technik
HOW: The mode will be as follows: Each participating working group of an institute will briefly introduce itself, after each institute there will be 45 minutes to talk personally with the speakers or representatives of the working groups and to ask questions about the topics or the working groups. We will offer (small) snacks and non-alcoholic drinks for you and the professors. We look forward to seeing you there!
Theoretical Physics
Astro- and Particle Physics
Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik
Courses in connection with the Master’s thesis
Critical Research Analysis (22.5 ETCS): This module consists of the PJ Research Study (12.5 ECTS), the SE Research Seminar (5 ECTS) and the VU Research Analysis (5 ECTS). The aim is to introduce students to research-related project work using current literature; practical implementation of specific methods for current research projects; ability to carry out innovative projects independently under supervision; presentation and scientific communication of current research; in-depth study of current research topics.
Master’s thesis preparation (2.5 ECTS): After successfully completing the module, students are able to write a brief description of the content of the planned Master’s thesis (exposé), outline a timeline and conclude a written Master’s thesis agreement.
Master’s thesis (27.5 ECTS): The Master’s thesis is a piece of academic work that serves to demonstrate the student’s ability to work independently on an academic topic in a way that is justifiable in terms of content and methodology. If a specialization is chosen, the Master’s thesis must be written in the subject area of the specialization, otherwise in the subject area of physics. The student is entitled to propose the topic of the Master’s thesis or to choose from a number of proposals.
Defense of the Master’s thesis (2.5 ECTS): Reflection on the Master’s thesis in the overall context of the Master’s program; the focus is on theoretical understanding, methodological principles, communication of the results of the Master’s thesis and presentation skills.
Additional Courses: Some research groups or institutes (e.g. all students who want to write a Master’s thesis in the field of Quantum Engineering at the Institute of Experimental Physics should take the VU Particle Traps and Laser Cooling) may even require additional courses.