Hello everyone,
+++ tl;dr: people with dyslexia or ADHD can also come to our Jour Fixe on Wednesdays, 15-16 o’clock and have the following explained to them orally +++
we’re really happy to announce that for the first time since before the pandemic, there will be an excursion to the ATLAS particle accelerator at CERN. As back then, professor Kneringer has kindly agreed to co-organize and accompany our excursion.
WHEN: 05.-07.02.2023 (Monday to Wednesday in the first week of the semester break)
Preliminary PROGRAM:
- Morning: Departure around 8 o’clock from campus Technik, IBK
- Afternoon: Arrival in Geneva
- Evening: City tour guided by Prof. Kneringer
- Morning: Visiting the CERN cavern and the exhibition in the Visitor Center
- Lunch at CERN facility
- Early Afternoon: Likely another scientific program item (probably a visit at an anti-proton decelerator or talk thereto)
- Late Afternoon: ISOLDE, a unique source of low-energy beams of radioactive nuclides, those with too many or too few neutrons: https://isolde.cern/
- Evening: Dinner with the entire group (likely fondue)
- Late Morning: Travel back to IBK.
- Likely arrival in late afternoon.
Number of participants: 35
Estimated cost: 225 Euro, therein included:
- Bus
- 2 nights at the hostel (Geneva Hostel)
- (A public transport ticket for Geneva is included in the hostel bill)
- 2x breakfast at the hostel
- Fondue on Tuesday evening
- (The tour at CERN is free)
PLEASE NOTE: Since there can potentially always be unexpected costs and since I (Barbara*) am paying the advances from my private money, anyone who whishes to participate in the excursion will have to pay an extra 25 Euros as a buffer. After our return from the excursion and after the last bills are paid, I will calculate how much the actual cost per person was and transfer the remaining money back to you. This should at most take three weeks after the end of the excursion.
ENROLMENT: If you would like to participate in the excursion, please follow this link to sign up.
DEADLINE for signing up: We’re currently booked full however the waiting list is very short. If you are sure you would like to participate if a seat opens up, also use the above link to sign up. If you are casually thinking about joining but aren’t sure yet, please write me an email instead (stv-physik-oeh@uibk.ac.at).
After the deadline we will pick who gets to participate in the excursion. While we know that likely more than 35 people would like to join us, we are unfortunately restricted in the number of participants by CERN. Please note that we will give our best to be fair and impartial in the decision. For anybody who cannot join us this year, heads up: Barring any major events (such as pandemics or wars in Europe) we will be hosting a CERN excursion again next year.
- The Industriellenvereinigung Tirol is kindly sponsoring our trip. Note however that this has already been considered in the estimated cost.
- We will likely also receive a subsidy by the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics und Physics, however the amount (likely on the order of 13 Euros per person) is still to be determined. Therefore this subsidy has not yet been taken into account in the estimated cost. Note also that this subsidy will be transferred to you directly by the University and that I do not influence when this transfer will be made. It is not quite clear yet, if students who are not studying at the Faculty of MIP are eligible for this subsidy. In case your participation hinges on this, please write me an email.
Bus + Accomodation + general planning: *Barbara Obwaller, Students’ Association
Scientific program + city tour: Professor Emmerich Kneringer
If anything should be unclear, please contact me (Barbara*) via mail: stv-physik-oeh@uibk.ac.at
Further information:
Our accomodation: Geneva Hostel, 1202 Geneva, https://www.genevahostel.ch/en/
CERN-site: ATLAS, Esplanade de Particules 1, 1211 Meyrin https://atlas.cern/Discover/Physics