Innsbruck Physics Colloquium 2022 SS

The Innsbruck Physics Research Center organizes the Innsbruck Physics Colloquium always on Tuesdays at 17:15 in lecture hall A during the semester. If not stated otherwise the lectures will take place as hybrid lecturePlease take note that the 3G rule applies for the HS A. Occasionally the colloquium will be preceded by Pre-Talk at 16.30.

Martin Schultze, TU Graz
Light-Wave driven Charge- and spin dynamicsMatthias EngelbrechtParty-local Clifford transformations of stabilizer states(Pre-Talk)  
Mete Atatüre, The Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot: through the looking-glass, and what we found there.Siegfried KollotzekFormation of size-selected clusters inside of superfluid helium nanodroplets. (Pre-Talk)
Christiane Koch, FU Berlin
Training Schrödinger´s Cat: Quantum Control in Molecular Physics and Quantum Information Science.
Artem Rakcheev, title to be announced, (Pre-Talk)
Mike Niemack, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Probing fundamental physics and cosmic structure with measurements of the cosmic microwave background. 
Theofanis Kitsopoulos, Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen
Velocity Resolved Kinetics: A new tool for heterogeneous catalysis that measures reaction rates for elementary reactions and identifies active sties.


The full program of the physics colloquium, as of now, can be found on

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